CNN's chief political analyst Gloria Borger reviews in this article the setbacks facing Mr. Romney within his own party.
After the recent GOP debates it was obvious that Mitt Romney has a very good chance at this point to become the Republican Candidate for 2012. Borger comments, "He's the best debater. He's got his issues and his rejoinders down pat. He brushes away his opponents like lint on his lapel. And all with such ease." How often do the Republicans find a candidate who doesn't seem to stumble over his own feet and has a genuinely happy, loving family, AND looks the part of American Presidential History?
But still, that doesn't seem to be enough for some. Even though candidates like McCain were falling much lower in polls at this point in the race, and numerous Republican candidates received only half-hearted support from hard-core Republicans over the years, Republicans sound to be seriously struggling to accept Romney as their guy. Perhaps they have their underwear in a bunch because Romney's healthcare plan in Massachusetts actually influenced the model for Obama's national health plan. Or maybe it is because he supported the bank bailouts saying, "Action had to be taken."
In any case, the Tea Party people are not a huge fan of Romney. They want someone more ideologically opposed to everything Obama, but the question is whether or not they will withhold support if comes down to Obama and Romney at the end of next year. Surely they could try to express their disappointment by not voting but that would make absolutely no sense if they truly want to see someone else in the WhiteHouse. Borger believes the Tea Partiers are moving into the stage of "self-selection" where the stubborn will die out and the ones more open to adjusting their criteria for a good candidate wil prevail. This idea makes sense to me and I would have to agree. It is natural for a political group to realize they may need to tone down the rhetoric and up the realism once they are actually significant enough to have an effect on the country's politics. This is a process that should happen because when it doesnt you are left with radicalist groups who, whatever side the spectrum are seriously scary and often dangerous. I hope the Tea Party as well as the Republicans decide to embrace Romney, I'd much rather have the choice between two moderates than one moderate who the country is unexcited by and one purist who cares more about the cause than the effects.
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