Sunday, November 13, 2011

The "Worst Gaffe" in Debate History - Can Perry Turn it all Around?

We all heard the 56 second horror story that was Rick Perry trying to remember the third of the federal institutions he would get rid if he became President. It was, unfortunately, the cherry on top of all the consensus that Perry is an awful debater, and now some of his donors are having to question their support for him.

Tony Leon, initially a Romney supporter and then a Perry supporter, commented that he has lost faith Perry because of his performance in debates and is now looking at another candidate, “At the end of the day, the debates do not make the President nor should they. But, at the same time, I’ve grown to appreciate of Newt Gingrich because of his debate performances. I haven’t given a dime yet to Newt, but I now think he’s the best choice of all the candidates for somebody who can bring the country back together.” Many of Perry's other donors share the concern that they wasted their money on him and do not hold a strong belief that he will manage to bring himself back.

Although Perry has a lot of his "moneymen" worried and some even backing out, he still has been able to raise $2 million more than Romney in the last quarter, and he is in one of the best states (Texas) to continue raising money - over half of the $17.2 million he raised in the third quarter was from Texas.

There are, however, some who still support Perry. One such individual is Roly Marante who said, “Yes, a lot of the damage has been self inflicted, unforced and, yes, Saturday Night Live is going to be very interesting this week. But the fact is everybody’s still shopping. Romney’s been running for six years and he still can’t close the deal… Newt Gingrich slipped up early in this race and he seems to be surging right now.”

So perhaps its not all over for Perry. He has his boatloads of money and maybe he will be able to make a big comeback now that he embaressed himself enough for the rest of the year. Many supporters also remind us that he is "only human" and people will be able to move on from his slip up.

I think everyone deserves a second chance but after that point its up to them to prove they should be there in the first place.

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